Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weired wall in Tai O

We are good fish!

Tai O

I paid another visit to Tai O with friends yesterday. The only difference is that it's the first time with a SLD. But worst enough, both batteries ran out together! These are taken by my mobile, they are nice, too!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The best pic in our last Artmatch Show

Among all those photos taken in the Artmatch Group Exhibition 2007 at HKVAC, I love this most, with two good friends at my recent work in 2007. They are so sensitive that knowing I am saying something beyond the content shown on the picture. And I know, pictures don't tell lies.

Lovely kids of FFTS

Billy and Leon are two cute Primary 3 kids in my sunday painting class. Leon doesn't talk too much, but he is very focused when he is working on his artwork. Billy, a big-eyed kid, knows what I am thinking of the class most of the time, he is sweet and gentle. They are working on dreams to be come truth with the help of easter eggs. Aren't they cute?

My students

THMSS S.5 (2006-2007)
Guys and girls, go ahead for your future! Bless you!